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The dual education system in action: SIUT first-year students have completed internships at production facilities

In today’s realities, the profession of an engineer is becoming increasingly in demand in our country compared to previous years. To meet the growing demands of the economy, it is necessary to ensure the training of domestic engineering personnel at the level of international standards. One of the key approaches in this direction is the involvement of highly qualified foreign specialists in the educational process. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PD-81 dated May 25th of the current year “On improving the system of admission to higher educational institutions and the placement of the state order”, a new procedure for the distribution of state orders for personnel training in higher educational institutions has been established. In accordance with this decree, priority in the distribution of quotas is given to such areas as engineering, medical, exact and natural sciences.

“For the accelerated development of the economy, we desperately need highly qualified engineering technologists”, - Sh.M. Mirziyoyev, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, from the videoconference meeting on the issues of training engineering personnel and improving the activities of higher educational institutions, held on June 20, 2024.

The activities of the Samarkand International University of Technology are primarily aimed at training new generations of world-class engineering technologists. The entire educational process of SIUT is based on the “Master Plan for 2022-2032,” developed in cooperation with one of the world leaders in the field of mining, geology, and petroleum engineering – the Colorado School of Mines, a State Research University in the USA. The educational process at SIUT represents a dual education system, in which students are involved in production practices at the facilities of large oil and gas companies in Uzbekistan (Eriell Group, Enter Engineering, Sanoat Energetika Guruhi – Industrial Energy Group) from the first year of study.


According to the curriculum, from May 21 to June 20 of this year, SIUT students underwent internships at several production facilities. So, under the guidance of the head of practical training, Elbek Amirkhanov, practical classes were organized for students of Engineering programs (School of Engineering, Chinese Institute of Electric Power, “Renewable Energy” program of the Korean Institute of Technology and Culture) at such facilities as “Eriell Prof Education” training center in Karshi, “Samarkandkimyo” plant, “Khishrav-2B” hydroelectric station, and the “Chuponata” solar power plant. Students of the “International Logistics” program underwent an internship at the “Prime Samarkand” logistics company. For students of the “Entrepreneurship and Management” program, MAP training courses were organized at the WIN Training Center (SIUT), as well as practical classes at the “EasyBooking” company, the “Orient Star” and “Grand Samarkand Superior” hotels, and the “Silk Roads Destinations - C.A.T.I.A.” travel agency. Students of the “Computer Science” program practiced at the Samarkand regional office of JSC “Uztelecom” and the “SamIT Global” company. Students of the “Design” program (KITC) underwent an internship at the SIUT Media Center.






In total, 192 SIUT students and 4 students from the Colorado School of Mines (USA) underwent internships at production facilities.

“The educational and industrial practice allowed students to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of their future work and feel the production process. Practice is an integral part of the process of training modern highly qualified engineers,” – said Elbek Amirkhanov, the head of practical training at SIUT.

In turn, the students shared the following impressions of the internship:

“We gained wonderful experience from the internship,” – says Vazirabonu Abdurasulova, a student of the “Geoengineering” program, “...we learned a lot about the drilling process and the principles of equipment operation, and got acquainted with the design of the drilling rig.”

“Even before becoming a student at SIUT, as it turned out, I had an incomplete understanding of such a vast field as design. However, during a year of study at the university, we explored the subtleties of design. And most importantly, we tested the accumulated knowledge in practice. I am confident that the wealth of knowledge and skills that I will acquire over the four years of study at SIUT will help me in my future professional activities,” – shared Diyor Mustafoyev, a KITC student in the “Design” program.

The internship programs at SIUT not only allow students to acquire practical skills, but also provide an opportunity to become part of the teams of these organizations after completing their four-year studies.