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Achievements of Collaboration: American Students Gain Practical Experience at SIUT

In December 2022, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed in New York (USA) between the leadership of SANEG and the Colorado School of Mines (CSM), a state research university. This laid the groundwork for the creation of Samarkand International University of Technology (SIUT) – Uzbekistan’s first technological university.

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The collaboration also resulted in the development of the «Master Plan 2022-2032» – a strategic plan that meets international education standards. The Master Plan forms the basis of the educational process at SIUT.

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Under the signed memorandum, a number of academic exchanges are taking place, including the exchange of students between the institutions. In May 2024, SIUT hosted a group of students from the Colorado School of Mines as part of an academic exchange program. The visiting students familiarized themselves with the learning process at SIUT and participated in preparatory courses for interns. It’s worth noting that SIUT has implemented a dual education system, which integrates theoretical instruction with practical training at enterprises or organizations starting from the first year of study.

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On May 21st of this year, CSM students Hayden Barrett, Michael Kim, Lydia Hines, and Joanna Harden joined SIUT students in practical sessions at various industrial sites of the Eriell Group of Companies. By participating in this joint practical training program, the Colorado School of Mines students had the opportunity to gain hands-on experience and familiarize themselves with the industrial and technological environment in Uzbekistan. This intercultural exchange not only allowed them to apply their theoretical knowledge, but also provided a chance to exchange experiences with first-year SIUT students.

“During our time at SIUT, we were able to immerse ourselves in the student life of our friends in Samarkand. We were particularly impressed by the high level of organization of the practical training for SIUT students. This experience will be long-remembered!” – shared the students from the Colorado School of Mines.

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The Colorado School of Mines is a state research university in Golden, Colorado (USA), founded in 1874. The university is widely recognized for its outstanding achievements in engineering education, particularly in disciplines such as mining, petroleum engineering, and materials science. The Colorado School of Mines has a longstanding reputation for providing high-quality technical education and preparing students for successful careers in the extractive industries.