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Student of the SIUT – the laureate of the international poster competition

In April 2023, the Great Silk Road Universities Network (SUN) in cooperation with Iran's "Allameh Tababat'i" University held an online seminar dedicated to the international poster design competition that expresses the freshness of spring. At the beginning of the event, Hwang Sung Don, the Secretary General of the "SUN", professor of the Hankuk University of Foreign Languages of South Korea and the Samarkand International University of Technology, followed by Professor Dorota Sylvia, the new adviser of the "SUN" on student affairs, the Dean of students of the SIUT, made a speech, encouraging all students to participate in given international event. The participants highly appreciated the lectures of Dr Barhom Amir Ahmadian, professor of Allameh Tababat'i University, and Dr Beata Williamson, professor of Gdańsk University given at the event.

This online seminar functioned in two sections. In the first section, the small groups of 4 professors and teachers organized mutual debates on the topics "Celebration of spring in the countries of the world", and "Adaptation to seasonal changes in nature".

In the second direction, there was held a competition of the posters presented by the first-year students studying at universities belonging to the network of Great Silk Road universities. In this event, all students, studying at 83 universities-members of "SUN", had the right to participate with their posters. In this competition, which is considered an excellent opportunity for students to demonstrate their talents on the international stage. More than 30 posters of the students from South Korea, Iran, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan, Russia, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey were presented there. It is noteworthy that Ms Marjona Hamrokulova, the student of the Samarkand International University of Technology, was also awarded a special commendation as the owner of the ten best posters.