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Students of the Korean Institute of Technology and Culture at SIUT participated in an environmental campaign

The goal of the eco-action, organized by the Korean Institute of Technology and Culture (KITC), was to introduce first-year students specializing in “Renewable Energy Sources”, “Design” and “Digital Economy” to the unique Korean culture and the “Korean eco-phenomenon”.

The students gathered at the main square of the city, Registan square. According to the program of the campaign, the students were divided into five teams. Led by mentors, each team began cleaning the area around Registan, thus emphasizing the main objective of the campaign – unity and teamwork!

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At Ulugbek Madrasah, an open-air flash mob was organized for the students - an hour of meditation. According to the organizers of the eco-action, the flash mob symbolized a moment of peace and harmony that filled the hearts of the students.

Upon returning to the University campus, the students continued their journey into the world of Korean culture. An engaging lesson dedicated to Korean traditions and customs immersed the students in the rich history of the country.

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At noon, an unforgettable lunch with a wide range of dishes from Korean cuisine was organized for participants of the eco-action.
These fascinating activities undoubtedly enriched the students’ leisure time, allowing them to get a closer look at Korean culture and explore the country’s environmental approach.

It is worth noting that such campaigns and initiatives contribute to the formation of environmental awareness and a deep commitment to the principles of sustainable development among students.

Let’s protect our planet together, drawing inspiration from Korea’s experience!