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Samarkand International University of Technology presented the layout of its new campus

In February 2023, Samarkand International University of Technology accepted the first students. The innovative university will have a new campus, the layout of which was presented the other day, in September 2023.

The spacious modern campus will be designed for the growing opportunities of the university. After all, the Korean College of Technology and Culture has been opened here, in addition to these two areas of undergraduate studies.

With the opening of the campus, undergraduate study opportunities will also be expanded to include areas such as Engineering, Business School and Japanese College of Innovations.

The flexible structure of a modern university is designed both for fundamental knowledge and for a quick response to business needs. It was the actual combination of education and production that became the basis for the inclusion of Samarkand International University of Technology in the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the development strategy of the New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026" (dated January 28, 2022).

The establishment of Samarkand International University of Technology fulfils the goal set by the head of state to bring the number of non-state higher educational institutions in Uzbekistan to at least 50 by 2026.

Its opening was carried out in the shortest possible time, and the construction of an extensive campus will be completed by September 2023. The new classrooms will enable the organisation of an extensive library, as well as a number of centres, for which effective preparations are being made. Among them are the Languages Centre, IT Centre, WIN Centre (Samarkand-California), as well as the Preparatory School.

A modern dormitory building will be built for students to live, and a tennis court and a swimming pool - for their active recreation.

A well-thought-out strategy for training modern technical specialists of the country at the level of the highest international standards and methods, the capabilities of a modern campus, the constant growth of goals and objectives will allow the SIUT to become one of the most innovative and technological universities in Uzbekistan.

It should be recalled that the Board of Trustees of the University, headed by Bakhtiyor Fazylov, the Chairman of the Board of the ERIELL Group, awarded three scholarships for the gifted students, including those who received the highest scores and low-income first-year students.

Samarkand International University of Technology presented the layout of its new campus

Samarkand International University of Technology presented the layout of its new campus

Samarkand International University of Technology presented the layout of its new campus

Samarkand International University of Technology presented the layout of its new campus

Samarkand International University of Technology presented the layout of its new campus